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What is an engagement ring setting and why is it important to know what it is? Hi, I'm Brian with B2C Jewels and in this video, I'm going to share some tips to make your engagement ring shopping easier.


In the simplest terms, a setting is that part of an engagement ring that secures the diamond to the rest of the ring. There are different types of settings, and each comes with its own unique beauty and advantages. Let's look at some of the most common settings.


A prong setting is one of the most common setting for engagement rings and even other types of jewelry like pendants and earrings. These prongs hold the diamond securely on the ring. They come in all shapes and sizes - like these claw prongs. There are also V-shaped prongs available for diamond shapes like princess, heart, marquise and pear. The V-prongs protect the corners of diamonds to help keep them from chipping.


The main advantage of a prong setting is its simplicity. Prongs hold the diamond above the band of the ring and allow plenty of light to pass through the diamond, helping it to sparkle. Although a prong setting is quite secure, it is a good idea to have a jeweler check your ring for loose prongs every six months or so.


The bezel setting is also a popular choice for engagement rings. In this setting, a thin metal border fully surrounds the diamond, making it a very secure setting. The bezel protects the girdle of the stone, offering extra security against chipping. This setting also comes in different styles and shapes. You may prefer  half bezel design, or for a vintage look, choose a bezel ring with milgrain detailing.


The basket setting has prongs along with two rings surrounding the diamond. It resembles, well...a basket. It offers protection around the girdle of the diamond while allowing plenty of light to pass through the facets, helping it sparkle.


The cathedral setting gives a terrific profile to the ring. The ring band raises towards the center stone, like a graceful cathedral ceiling. A cathedral setting can have either prongs, a basket or bezel. Many people like that this setting holds the diamond high above the band of the ring, highlighting the beauty and size of the diamond.


There are many other settings to consider which compliment a center diamond, but these I have shared are very popular. Be sure to check out “Engagement Rings Settings – Part 2” for options on accent diamonds.


B2C Jewels makes customizing a ring really easy. All you have to do is send us a photo of a ring you have seen online or in a magazine or even a sketch of what you would like the ring to look like. Our jewelry experts can take it from there and give you a beautiful ring. Visit our website b2cjewels.com to know more.
